Threshold value you must reach at the minimum. A 5+ means 5 or more.
Normally used on a D6 roll.
CP Campaign Point
the start of a turn you generate campaingn points which represent a
kind of action points enabling you to complete certain actions during a
turn. Although you may have several action points, you are only allowed
to spend one point at a time. So while one army is tearing down the
defensive value of a city the enemy might arrive before you have
accomplished your goal.
DM Defense Value
value positioned on a terrain location shows the defense value the
territory provides. The values range from minimum 0 to maximum 4,
depending on the territory. If no enemy is present the territory can
only be captured if you tear down the difficulty value to 0 by
expending 1 CP to lower the defensive value by 1 point.
are several different types of territory, only one army may occupy one
terrain unless stated otherwise. Capturing one gives you certain
advantages as listed on the territory desription. Not all territories
might be present in your campaign.
MD March Difficulty
The value
positioned on a road shows the difficulty for armies to march
from one location to the next. The values range from minimum 2 to
maximum 5. After you have spent your CP roll a D6 to see if you can
move your army to the destination. If you fail, your army does not move
and the CP spent is forfeit.
Moving the army
does not consume a CP, this does NOT relace the MD roll. You can
immediately decide to use your CP on something else.
Rebuilding the army does not consume a CP. You can immediately decide
to use your CP on something else.
the setup you first determin the order of play. Then each player places
one army on a territory on the map in the designated order. There must
be at least one territory between enemy armies. If every player has
placed his first army the order is reversed and now starting with the
last player places a second army on the map. Again there must be
minimum one territory. When all players have placed two
armies on
the map, the game can begin. Follow the steps described under A Turn.
A Turn
1) Determin Order
2) Generate CP's
3) Spend CP's
4) Resolve Battles
game turn comprises of different phases as described above. A special
case is 3) Spend CP's which is done one by one until all CP's are spend
of give up. When a whole turn completes you start with a new turn.
Players should decide beforehand of the victory conditions. Possible
conditions could be: Player with most terriotries after Y turns, Player
with most battles won after X turns, First Player who captures 50% of
the territories etc.
Determin Order Phase
Draw Game Pieces from the Order Stack and
place them into the corresponding order slots. Use the context menu to
place them back into the Order Stack. The Game Pieces drawn from the
stack are in a randomized order. Drawing pieces will create a new
random order each time. The order stays the same for the whole
turn, in each phase.On the next
turn a new order is determined.
Generate CP's Phase
In order of
play start generating CP's by rolling a D3+1. (You can use
the D6
button and half the value, round down to nearest whole value).
Spend CP's Phase
order of play each player spends 1 (ONE) CP for one of the following
actions. The player must log the usage in the message log and then
decrease his CP value accordingly.
If all players spent 1 CP you
start the Spend CP's Phase anew, until all CP's are spent or removed.
If a player does not posses any CP'S anymore skip him to the next
Please note that certain actions require more than one CP to
be completed. This can lead to a situation where your enemy will react
to your actions, so keep this in mind, you always only spend ONE CP
(unless you aqcuire a free action as seen on certain territories below).
long as you have broken or defeated armies you must spend your CP's
first to rebuild these armies. You are not allowed to choose different
actions until all your armies are rebuild.
For each action do the following before you cary it out:
Make a notice in the message panel stating: action, action target
(territory or road or enemy).
Make any needed rolls.
Reduce your CP Points Value.
Available Actions
Listed are the possible actions with the action name, followed by the
CP point cost and a description of the action.
Rebuild Defeated Army CP:1
army will be brought back to normal, set your status of the army by
right clicking on the army and selecting the "normal" menu option.
Rebuild Broken Army CP:1
army will be brought back to Defeated. Set your status of the army by
right clicking on the army and selecting the "defeated" menu option
when the second CP is spent.
Fortify Castle
spending the second CP you may increase the DV of the Castle territory
by one, up to a maximum of three. Right clicking on the territory and
selecting the "increase" menu option
Fortity Settlement CP:1
spending one CP you may increase the DV of one miming village, farming
village, market town, large town or major city territoriy by one, up to
a maximum of two. Right clicking on the territory and selecting the
"increase" menu option
Build Roads
can decrease the MD value of a road by one after spending the second
CP. The minimum MD value you can reach by doing this is two. Right
clicking on the road MD and select the "decrease" menu option
one Player as your target by stating it in the message log. Roll a D6
after the second CP is spent and lookup the result:
1: You failed, your enemy will start with
ONE MORE CP in the next Generate CP's Phase.
2-3: You succeeded a bit, your enemy will
start with ONE LESS CP in the next Generate CP's Phase.
4-5: You fooled them, use ONE CP OF YOUR
ENEMY to move one of HIS armies as you desire.
You failed horribly, the next battle against this enemy, your
enemy may choose one of your heroes which you must remove from the
Move an army
can spend one CP to move an army from one territory to another. You
must make a MD roll. If you fail your MD roll the CP point is lost and
the army stays where it is. If you move into a territory where an enemy
army is present, the territory is captured by an enemy or has a DV
0 you may not move any further until this territory is
A broken or defeated army may not move until it is rebuild.
Decrease Dv
spending one CP you may decrease the DV of a terrain by one. Right
clicking on the territory DV value and select the "decrease" menu
Resolve Battles
To capture a territory you must successfully claim it by
a) Having an army in an unclaimed(Owner flag is normal) or undefended
(DV=0) terrain.
b) Having reduced the DV of a claimed(Owner flag from enemy) or
defended(DV>0) territory to 0.
Having won a battle against an enemy also present in this territory
(even if defended). The scenario played depend on the terrain the
battle takes place. For broken/defeated armies the scenario is always
Last Stand.
Battle results
Terrain Captured
To capture it right click on the flag and select your army from the
menu options.
Army defeated
Player loosing the battle must withdraw his army which counts as
defeated (right click and set the status defeated). To retreat the army
must move on the shortest possible may to an unoccupied or own
territory. It must make a MD roll to reach the territory, if this is
failed the army counts as broken (set status by rigt click on army and
choose broken from the menu).
A broken/defeated army loosing a
battle is removed from play. A broken/defeated army winning the battle
is immediately brought back to normal state.
If an army cannot retreat to an unoccupied/own territory it is also
removed from play, even on a draw.
the battle result is a draw, the player who moved into this terrain
must retreat but the army retreating does not count as defeated. If it
fails its MD roll it counts as defeated.
Territory Descriptions
territory has certain advantages for the occupying side and sometimes
also for tresspassers. The territory icons are shown left side
of the game map. The descriptions (according to the icons) all follow
the same
Territory Type Maximum and starting Defensive Value
Battle conditions if two armies collide determined by a D6 roll
Wizards Tower DV3
may deploy one more Hero choise than normal in your army if you pay the
point cost. The points can only be spent on a wizard, magic points may
not be spent for dispell scrolls.
Battle: 1-2 Pitched Battle 3-6 Capture
(the wizards tower is the objective)
Monster Lair DV2
can buy any monstrous mounts in your army for half the points cost. The
catch: the model riding the monster must pass a LD test each turn and
if failed roll on the monster reaction table.
Battle: 1-3 Flank Attack 4-6 Ambush
Mining Village DV0
each mining village under your control you can upgrade one core unit.
You can choose one non magical weapon/armour upgrade for one unit for
Battle: 1-4 Pitched Battle 5-6 Meeting
Castle DV2
the territory is not captured the army may not move any further in this
turn. On rebuild of armies present in this territory roll a D6, on a 5+
the rebuild was a FREE REBUILD, no CP spent.
Battle: Siege,
Attackers have 2 times the points of Defenders available, attackers may
spend up to 200 points for siege equipment
Fortress DV4
the territory is not captured the army may not move any further in this
turn. On rebuild of armies present in this territory roll a D6, on a 3+
the rebuild was a FREE REBUILD, no CP spent.
Battle: Siege,
Attackers have 2 times the points of Defenders available, attackers may
spend up to 200 points for siege equipment
River Ford DV0
the territory is not captured and no enemy is present and you move on
roll a D6 on 3+ no CP is spent, the move is treated as a FREE MOVE. You
have to roll for March Difficulty as normal though.
Battle: 1-2 Capture (the ford is the objective)
3-6 Fall of Kjell Red Fist
Vital Crossroad DV0
the territory is not captured and no enemy is present and you move on
roll a D6 on 2+ no CP is spent, the move is treated as a FREE MOVE. You
have to roll for March Difficulty as normal though.
Battle: 1-3 Capture (the ford is the objective)
4-6 Breakthrough
Mountain Pass DV0
the territory is not captured and no enemy is present and you move on
roll a D6 on 4+ no CP is spent, the move is treated as a FREE MOVE. You
have to roll for March Difficulty as normal though.
Battle: Ambush (the army entering is the defender)
Farmin Village DV0
Two allied armies are allowed in this territory.
Battle: 1-4 Meeting Engagement 5-6
Pitched Battle
Market Town DV0
At start of turn in the generate CP phase roll a D6 for each Market
Town. On a 6 add 1 CP to your starting CP total.
Battle: 1-3 Pitched Battle 4-6
Mercenary Bazar DV1
You can deploy Dogs of War as a Core Unit choice in one army for each
Mercenary Bazar captured
Battle: 1-2 Pitched Battle 3-4 Meeting
Engagement 5-6 Flank Attack
Large Town DV0
allied armies are allowed in this territory. At start of turn in the
generate CP phase roll a D6 for each Large Town. On a 5+ add 1 CP to
your starting CP total.
Battle: 1-3 Pitched Battle 4-6
Major City DV1
allied armies are allowed in this territory. At start of turn in the
generate CP phase roll a D6 for each Large Town. On a 4+ add 1 CP to
your starting CP total.
Battle: 1-3 Pitched Battle 4-6